For centuries people have sought out the wellness benefits of immersing themselves in water. Going back centuries, the Romans had their Roman Baths. Today, our Hot Spring spas. Our attraction to water continues to help us think and feel our best. Whether it’s to soothe aches and pains, or to calm a restless mind, the transformative effect of water is quite powerful. While it is so simple to experience, the benefits of water immersion are often discounted or simply just unknown, and when they are discovered, the surprise is huge!
While soaking in warm water, the body experiences both psychological and mental changes. For example, as our circulation improves, we begin to think more clearly. The next time you feel tired or stressed, try a 20-minute soak in warm water, and take in the pure comfort of your hot tub.
Here Are the Top Five Ways a Soak Can Help:
Lower Stress – It’s no secret that busy and demanding lifestyles can increase stress levels. Left unchecked, this can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure. Soaking in a hot tub allows you to escape from the days stressors for a while and helps you recover emotionally and maintain a positive outlook on life. You might even find you’re able to handle the day-to-day tasks even easier than before
Build Relationships – We are all aware of how relationships can fade over time and we often feel a need to reconnect. Taking our phones and other distracting devices out of the equation is the first step. Coming together in a hot tub is the next. Whether you have a teenager who has grown distant or you simply just yearn for some alone time with a spouse or loved one, a hot tub can be a great answer.
Improve Sleep – Sleep is super important for each and every one of use, and while you might get the required 7-8 hours each night, it’s the quality of sleep that is often overlooked. The Sleep Foundation recommends developing a relaxing routine before bed. Spending time in a hot tub or hot bath prior to going to sleep will help separate the day’s activities from the night of rest ahead. Most parents know this when raising an infant, and the same theory applies to when we are adults too. Studies even suggest that soaking in hot water can ease the transition into a deeper sleep by reducing tension and stress.
Remove Toxins – When you soak in warm water our body temperature increases, causing blood vessels to dilate. This allows for improved circulation which brings in nutrients and oxygen while displacing toxins in areas of weaker blood flow. As our bodies regulates their internal temperature, our pores release moisture that carries away the internal chemical waste.
Thankfully, the benefits of water immersion don’t take long to achieve. A 20-minute soak can improve how you think and feel. That’s time well spent each and every day.
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Hot Spring Spas
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5 Brands Connected
Hot Spring Spas
Caldera Spas
Freeflow Spas
Fantasy Spas
Endless™ Pools
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